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JavaScript Object Creation: Mastering Classes and Prototypes for Efficiency

Posted Sept 11, 2023

JavaScript Object Creation: Mastering Classes and Prototypes for Efficiency

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Problem: Creating 100 Objects with Score-Update Methods
  • Method 1: The Basic Approach
  • Method 2: Prototypal Inheritance
  • Method 3: The "new" Keyword
  • Method 4: The "class" Keyword
  • Comparing the Solutions
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Conclusion


In the world of JavaScript programming, creating objects is a fundamental task.

Objects are the building blocks of your code, and they allow you to encapsulate data and functionality into organized units.

But how do you create these objects efficiently and effectively?

In this article, we will embark on a journey through different approaches to creating objects in JavaScript, with a focus on the "class" keyword.

The Problem: Creating 100 Objects with Score-Update Methods

Imagine you have a scenario where you need to create 100 objects, each representing a user with a name and a score property.

Additionally, you want each of these objects to have a method that can update their score. Let's explore four different solutions to this problem, each showcasing a unique aspect of JavaScript.

Method 1: The Basic Approach

function method1(name, score) {
  var temp = {
    name: name,
    score: score,
    updateScore: function (newScore) {
      this.score = newScore;

  return temp;

In this initial method, we create objects using plain JavaScript objects with properties and methods.

Method 2: Prototypal Inheritance

var parentObj = {
  updateScore: function (newScore) {
    this.score = newScore;

function method2(name, score) {
  var temp = Object.create(parentObj); = name;
  temp.score = score;

  return temp;

Here, we introduce prototypal inheritance to share the updateScore method among objects.

This approach saves memory by having a common method.

Method 3: The "new" Keyword

function method3(name, score) { = name;
  this.score = score;

method3.prototype.updateScore = function (newScore) {
  this.score = newScore;

Using the "new" keyword, we create objects with a constructor function and prototype-based methods.

This is a more organized approach.

Method 4: The "class" Keyword

class Method4 {
  constructor(name, score) { = name;
    this.score = score;

  updateScore(newScore) {
    this.score = newScore;

Finally, we arrive at the "class" keyword, a more modern and concise way of creating objects with methods in JavaScript.

Comparing the Solutions

Now that we've explored these four methods, let's compare them. Which one is the best? Each approach has its advantages and trade-offs.

  • Method 1 is simple but can lead to memory inefficiencies as each object has its own copy of the method.

  • Method 2 optimizes memory usage by sharing the method via prototypal inheritance but can be less intuitive.

  • Method 3 is organized and follows classical object-oriented programming principles but involves more code.

  • Method 4, the "class" keyword, is concise, readable, and follows modern JavaScript standards. It combines the best of both worlds, making it a popular choice among developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I mix and match these methods in my code?

Yes, JavaScript allows you to mix and match these methods based on your project's requirements. It's common to use a combination of these approaches within a single codebase.

Are there performance differences between these methods?

In most cases, the performance differences are negligible. However, if you're dealing with a massive number of objects, optimizing memory usage (as in Method 2) can be beneficial.

Which method should I use?

The choice of method depends on your coding style, project requirements, and team preferences. If you prefer modern, concise code, the "class" keyword is an excellent choice.

Is the "class" keyword supported in all JavaScript environments?

The "class" keyword is supported in modern JavaScript environments, but if you need compatibility with older browsers, you may need to transpile your code.

Can I use these methods for other programming tasks?

Absolutely! These methods for creating objects and defining methods are not limited to this specific scenario. You can apply them in various programming tasks.

What's the best practice for naming classes or objects?

Choose meaningful and descriptive names for your classes and objects. This enhances code readability and helps you and your team understand the purpose of each entity.


In the journey of creating objects in JavaScript, the "class" keyword stands out as a modern and efficient approach. However, the other methods we've explored have their own merits and can be valuable in different contexts.

Ultimately, the choice of method should align with your project's goals, your coding style, and your team's preferences. With these tools at your disposal, you can confidently navigate the world of JavaScript object creation. Happy coding!

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