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Comparison Operators in JavaScript

Comparison Operators in JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that is used to make web pages interactive. It allows developers to create dynamic web pages that respond to user actions. One of the most important concepts in JavaScript is the use of comparison operators.

In this article, we will explore what comparison operators are, how they work, and how to use them in your JavaScript code.

Table of Contents

  • What are Comparison Operators?
  • Types of Comparison Operators
  • Examples of Comparison Operators
  • Best Practices for Using Comparison Operators
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

What are Comparison Operators?

Comparison operators are used in programming to compare two values and return a Boolean value (true or false) based on the comparison.

They are used to test whether two values are equal, not equal, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to each other.

Using comparison operators is an essential part of programming, as it allows developers to make decisions based on the comparison of two values.

Types of Comparison Operators

There are several types of comparison operators in JavaScript. They include:

Equal to operator (==):

This operator compares two values and returns true if they are equal.

Not equal to operator (!=):

This operator compares two values and returns true if they are not equal.

Strict equal to operator (===):

This operator compares two values and returns true if they are equal and of the same type.

Strict not equal to operator (!==):

This operator compares two values and returns true if they are not equal and/or not of the same type.

Greater than operator (>):

This operator compares two values and returns true if the first value is greater than the second value.

Less than operator (<):

This operator compares two values and returns true if the first value is less than the second value.

Greater than or equal to operator (>=):

This operator compares two values and returns true if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.

Less than or equal to operator (<=):

This operator compares two values and returns true if the first value is less than or equal to the second value.

Examples of Comparison Operators

Let's take a look at some examples of how to use comparison operators in JavaScript:

// Equal to operator
let x = 5;
let y = 5;
console.log(x == y); // true

// Not equal to operator
let a = 10;
let b = 5;
console.log(a != b); // true

// Strict equal to operator
let c = "5";
let d = 5;
console.log(c === d); // false

// Strict not equal to operator
let e = "5";
let f = 5;
console.log(e !== f); // true

// Greater than operator
let g = 10;
let h = 5;
console.log(g > h); // true

// Less than operator
let i = 5;
let j = 10;
console.log(i < j); // true

// Greater than or equal to operator
let k = 10;
let l = 10;
console.log(k >= l); // true

// Less than or equal to operator
let m = 5;
let n = 10;
console.log(m <= n); // true

Best Practices for Using Comparison

When using comparison operators in JavaScript, there are some best practices that you should follow to ensure that your code is easy to read, maintain, and debug.

  1. Always use the appropriate comparison operator for the task at hand. For example, use the strict equal to operator (===) when comparing values of the same type, and use the greater than or equal to operator (>=) when checking for values that are greater than or equal to a certain value.

  2. Be careful when comparing floating-point numbers, as they can sometimes produce unexpected results due to the way they are stored in memory. To avoid this, you can use a library like Math.js that provides more precise arithmetic.

  3. Always use parentheses to group expressions and ensure that they are evaluated in the correct order. This can help to avoid logical errors in your code.

  4. Be mindful of the types of values you are comparing, as JavaScript can sometimes perform type coercion, which can lead to unexpected results. For example, the expression 0 == false will return true, even though the two values are not of the same type.

  5. Avoid using the not equal to operator (!=) when comparing strings, as it can produce unexpected results due to the way that JavaScript compares strings. Instead, use the strict not equal to operator (!==) to compare strings.


Comparison operators are a fundamental part of JavaScript programming. They allow developers to compare values and make decisions based on the results. By using the appropriate comparison operator for the task at hand and following best practices, you can write clean, readable, and maintainable code that is less prone to errors.


What is the difference between the equal to operator (==) and the strict equal to operator (===)?

The equal to operator (==) compares two values and returns true if they are equal, while the strict equal to operator (===) compares two values and returns true only if they are equal and of the same type.

How can I compare two arrays in JavaScript?

You can use the JSON.stringify() method to compare two arrays in JavaScript. This method converts the array to a string, allowing you to compare them easily.

Can I use comparison operators to compare objects in JavaScript?

No, comparison operators cannot be used to compare objects in JavaScript. This is because objects are reference types and are not compared by value.

What happens if I use the not equal to operator (!=) to compare strings in JavaScript?

Using the not equal to operator (!=) to compare strings in JavaScript can produce unexpected results due to the way that JavaScript compares strings. It is recommended to use the strict not equal to operator (!==) instead.

How can I compare floating-point numbers in JavaScript?

To compare floating-point numbers in JavaScript, you can use a library like Math.js that provides more precise arithmetic. Alternatively, you can use the toFixed() method to round the numbers to a specific number of decimal places before comparing them.

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